Beyond the somewhat argh-ness of the transfer, the entire experience was great. We bumped up the speed each time we played it through, which I was very thankful to do; I like playing it faster than I do in lessons. When we get it going at 104mm, it's great. We both seem to have the same instinct of when to bring the pace down a notch and when to reassert the original tempo, too, which is a good thing. Apart from the usual missed notes and wrong fingers, I'm very impressed with the recording. We're doing a great job. Considering the fact that this is the first time we've played it together, I'm all the more encouraged. Listening to the recording is interesting; I can't tell who is who a lot of the time. I mean, I know what bits I play, but if I'm not concentrating I can't tell which cello is producing the theme or the accompaniment at any given point. Which means the balance is good. And we had fewer problems than I expected; we listened to one another quite well.
Just before she arrived the postperson dropped off the box of cello goodies I won from Emily and Benning Violins! I had to leave it sitting there on the table while we played. I opened it while I was transferring the recording, and here is a photographic record, as promised to various cello players in the blogosphere!
The very cute little box! Emily drew little cellos and notes and bass clefs on the other side.
The contents!
The contents, unpacked! There's peg lubricant, polish, a microfibre cleaning cloth, the Larsen A, and a brand-new cake of Gustave Bernardel rosin. It is perhaps somewhat sad that I am very excited about the microfibre cleaning cloth. I needed a new one. I'm very excited about the rosin too, of course (the idea of spending fifteen dollars to try a new cake of rosin is alien to me), and hey, a Larsen A! But evidently all it takes is a nice blue cloth to make my day. I'm a simple creature. Thank you, Emily! I will think of you every time I swipe my bow with the rosin or clean off the cello.
Aha; on the fourth transfer I have established proper levels and volume, and there are no pops or clicks. A little voice has piped up inside my head and says, You know, the Mac Mini will come with Garage Band! This will be very exciting! I wonder if I can link my microphone directly into the extended-loan iBook to record my part for my partner to practise against, even though it doesn't have GarageBand on it. Hmm. Worth messing about with next week. If not, the MiniDisc-to-computer it is.
And to top it all off, I have a lesson tonight. I'm looking forward to it, especially now that I've listened to the recording (multiple times) and know what bits really need work, and what places my partner and I will have to listen to one another extra-hard.
* The original post at Owls' Court
* Owls' Court: the main journal
Very exciting to see your well-earned reward, but I must admit to being somewhat let down. I thought you were going to post the recording!
Ah ha ha ha -- no. It's a learning tool, nothing more.
V. glad you didn't post my silly cello drawings. Stick figures are as far as my visual arts abilities go, I'm afraid. :)
Nice stuff!! I could use another blue cloth. According to Emily, we need 2! I've been using the same cloth to move rosin from the strings to the rest of my instrument :)
Me too! So now my old cloth is specifically for cleaning rosin off the strings, and the pretty and soft blue cloth is my everywhere-else cloth.
Emily: I *loved* the little cello and the notes! They were perfect the way they were!
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