Wednesday, April 15, 2009

In Which She Chatters About Cello Stuff

It's confirmed: we're trying out a third conductor tonight! And I am very happy because there was a bit of kerfuffle about memberships dues not covering what this conductor requested as his fee, but the majority of members were okay with paying a supplement to obtain his services for this concert. If we decide he's the one for us then membership fees will go up, and I'm perfectly fine with that; we pay a ridiculously low fee as it is, and more than doubling it only brings us to ten dollars per month the orchestra plays each year. If he's as good as his reputation suggests he is, we'd be getting a real deal. Also, audiences would increase because of his affiliation with other musical events and organisations, and our recruiting of new members would also increase. There's a lot of potential here.

Apparently we are playing Schubert's third symphony as the main course for the July concert. So naturally, while looking for audio reference, I discovered that I own only the first, second, and fourth symphonies. I went away and thought about it for a while, then remembered that I'd bought a full six-symphony set the last time we did a Schubert symphony (the fifth?), because the set was less expensive than a single CD with the fifth on it. I had to hunt it out, though. It wasn't with my other Schubert CDs. I blame the boy, who used to pull CDs out and then reshelve them in interesting new places. I checked my records and apparently I've played Schubert's third before. I have no memory of it, but then, it was in 2003, which was six years ago. However I played it then, chances are rather good that I'll play it much better now.

I am so very excited to be working with this conductor.

* The original post at Owls' Court
* Owls' Court: the main journal

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