On the whole, a musical background seems to help Guitar Hero players. Zach Whitsell’s mother, Betty Whitsell, said her son has played violin, cello and saxophone in the past.
Ming Cheng, a 17-year cello player, said he was able to play the game on the medium level in the store before purchasing the game. He placed fourth in the 16-and-up age bracket on Saturday.
Cello players might have an advantage in the game, Cheng said. He explained that the spacing between the buttons on the controller is almost identical to the spacing between fingers on the strings of a cello.
“It keeps my fingers in shape for cello,” Cheng said. “I don’t have to practice as much.”
[Guitar player] Bloomfield is able to strum the notes up and down, which helps boost speed, Cheng said.
“I normally only strum down,” he said. “It’s more accurate, but I get tired faster.”
Which is a problem I have encountered myself. So when I saw this really interesting video called 'Taking Trips to America' promoting the album Block Ice and Propane by cellist jazz alternative musician composer-type person Erik Friedlander yesterday, I was fascinated. Don't miss the video of Erik performing 'Yakima' at the bottom of the page.
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