Wednesday, July 1, 2009

C Minus Six Hours

I've packed my concert blacks (long skirt this year, TYVM, since last year's pictures showed that my mid-calf length dress was still too short), various toiletries and hair clips, and weeded non-essentials out of my music bag. I've got the MiniDisc ready to go (because yes, I'm going to try to record this one, the Vaughn Williams is that good). There's a steak thawing on the counter to take to Ceri and Scott's, where we're heading for an hour once the boy is up from his nap. There will be beer. I need to pack the boy's backpack still, but other than that, I suspect I'm basically done.

Looks like the weather will be kinder than expected; the POP is now only at 40%, and there's a nice wind. The high tonight is supposed to be 17 degrees. I think I'll risk wearing my new black leather mules, and bring an emergency pair of shoes to wear in case it rains.

Music stand. Must pack the big music stand.

Happy Canada Day, everyone. HRH has already cracked open my Canada Day gift to him, a special edition Innis & Gunn. Enjoy your day. See you on the other side.

* The original post at Owls' Court
* Owls' Court: the main journal

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